Benjamin H Clarke
5 min readFeb 17, 2021


Feeling lost? Feeling like you lack or want to change direction?

Let me start by saying that is OK.

Not having a direction is pointing you somewhere, and once you realize you do not have a direction, or that you want to change direction, you start to gain direction.

Feeling lost is telling you something.

What is it telling you?

It is telling you that you want to change something.

Well, let me tell you a little story. I used to be an electrician.

Source- Pexels

It was something I enjoyed, but at the same time, it was not bringing me fulfillment in life. I eventually got to a point in my career where the growth was no longer what I wanted.

I got to the point where everything was becoming comfortable, the work was increasing, and the money was good.

Except I felt like something was missing, and I could not quite put my finger on it.

To be completely honest, I did not even really try to put my finger on it!

I just accepted it.

I just kept working and never stopped to consider that I might have been on the wrong path.


That I had no sense of great fulfillment in my work and that it did not align with who I was as a person and my core values in life.

I did not even know what my core values were. Yes, we have the standard ones like kindness, generosity, education, love, and honesty.

By not taking the time to work out what my core values were in life and to establish why they are important for me, I was not always living by them.

Like asking myself why is honesty important for me? Why is education important for me?

I never sat down and had that honest conversation with myself.

I was not stopping to love myself and look after myself.

I was working, and I was not learning at a rate that I wanted to develop in life.

Not properly understanding my core values led to me acting out from them.

I was not abiding by them because I was not aware deep down.

I eventually realized I needed to get real with myself!

And start to live life by the values to embody them.

I had to stop this constant ignorance of my true authentic self.

Cutting the crap and stopping the lack of awareness.

To become self-aware.

It is easy to say, like most things in life.

They require an action to go with the intention.

Stop and sit in silence. Start to check in with how you are feeling.

Source — Pexels

Slow down your life. We go so fast these days, trying to do so much from a state of stress.

End that cycle, bring conscious awareness to your life.

Start to ask yourself meaningful questions.

Suppose you are feeling tired, hyper, restless, sad, happy, joyful, or content. Ask yourself why you think and feel this way.

And stop to listen to the real answer. The mind will try to trick you.

Wait, what will the mind try to trick you?

Well, it is straightforward for a lot of us. We have been feeling this same way for ages now, and we haven’t taken any time to change anything.

This has caused an effect on the brain. It leaves these feelings and thoughts programmed in there like an imprint.

The brain is used to going the same way each day; it is like when we are close to home. We are just subconsciously going home.

We switch off and let the subconscious mind take us there because it is so familiar to us that it happens on autopilot.

And this is why there is a higher percentage of accidents when people are closer to home because they switch off the conscious mind and let the subconscious mind do its thing most of the time without realizing it.

Next time you are driving, and you start to get close to home, pay careful attention to what happens.

To how you are thinking. And how you are driving compared to driving in a new location that is unfamiliar to you.

This wiring is in our brain and, it imprints after doing something for so long.

It is on autopilot. When you start to bring awareness into your life, you can begin to create the changes you want or make you happy and then start to get a sense of direction to your life.

Once we take back this conscious control of our lives, the first step is realizing we want to change something, then bringing consciousness to what we want to change.

Source — Pexels

By first asking questions

And understanding why we want to change something,

Then how are we going to change it? What will it look like when we have changed it? How will our lives be better?

And to remember this each day while we are changing.

I did this a long time ago. It is not always easy. No one said it was going to be easy.

We want things to be easy, and we are so used to being comfortable.

It is addictive and stops us from changing and creating the lives that we want to live.

The mind gets addicted to this way of thinking and feeling. It is so familiar and comfortable that it is just normal!

And it gets worse and worse or better and better depending on how you are programming your mind.

Source — Pexels

I used to run on autopilot until I said enough is enough and stopped and took the time to understand and get to know myself.

To know where I wanted to change in life and how I was going to get those changes.

It all starts with the first action because we learn, with this thing called trial and error.

Do not be afraid of the error. The error is what teaches us the most, if not more, than the successes.

I am going to spend the rest of my life with myself. You are too also going to live the rest of your life with yourself!

So why would you not create the person you truly desire to be, go past your comforts and create change in your life.

Create Thyself,

Create life consciously, then let the subconscious take over with the information and habits you have programmed.

And much like installing new software on the computer, it takes time.

You might have to reboot yourself a few times, but installing it is worth the wait and the change!

Change is not instant, but it is worth it if it is your True Authentic Self.



Benjamin H Clarke

An Australian living in Sweden. I write about self development and life. Give us a follow for tips to level up.