Days of the week controlling your happiness?

Benjamin H Clarke
2 min readFeb 16, 2021

I used to hate Mondays!

I love Monday. It is a great day that ends the following week and brings new opportunities and energies to start a week of how we choose.

That is because I did not see the beauty in what a Monday was for me.

It wasn’t until I realized that it was not the days of the week that were making me unhappy.

It was me and my choices that were making me unhappy, The fact that I was drinking way too much or partying too hard.

Source — Pexels

Have you been there where you let a particular day of the week or a deadline attached to that day control your mood?

I am sure we have all been there. Well, I know I have, at least.

I used to let the days of the week dictate my mood,

This was a mistake because that meant every week was the same and that I would be unhappy on Monday and get happy on Friday again.

And if I was working on a Saturday, then Friday was lost too!

So what changed? Why did I start to enjoy Mondays again or not let the days of the week dictate my life?

Or the same reason I did not care that I was alone on Valentine’s day, it hit me I was not alone. I will always have myself to love and care for to celebrate life.

And just like I stopped letting the days of the week dictate my happiness, I stopped letting holidays dictate my joy and love.

We can change the way we perceive something and reframe it to be what we choose.

This is one of the beautiful gifts we have once we learn how to understand ourselves how we think and feel.

We can choose to be happy and decide to create real meaning in the things we do.

So I ask you, what are you letting dictate your happiness in life?

Source — Pexels

Because if you ask me, the only thing that should have a say is you!

Take back your power and learn how to let go of the associations that control your life and decide that your happiness is in your control.

Learn how to control it, how to bring it out, become it, and enjoy life and experience life for what it has to offer.

Celebrate this experience.

Stay blessed and stay beautiful.



Benjamin H Clarke

An Australian living in Sweden. I write about self development and life. Give us a follow for tips to level up.