Are you letting your dreams slip?

Benjamin H Clarke
2 min readJun 21, 2021
Source — Pexels

Is it stopping you from fulfilling your destiny of greatness if that is what is meant for you!

What is stopping you from reaching for the stars? Or achieving your dreams?

We hear it so often that people tell us that we can do whatever we want to do in life, so why don’t we?

And why do we not aim for the moon, and if we miss land amongst the stars!

We can get very comfortable with where we are in life that we stop taking risks. This could be a mistake to fulfil your destiny in this lifetime if you prescribe to this way of thinking!

I prescribe to this way of thinking. I believe we are all meant to do our part, no matter how big all small it is.

What stops us from taking action on our dreams?

Is it we are not curious enough?

Source — Pexels

Or is it we are way too logical these days?

For me right now, I am focusing on just doing it! I have been practising this skill for a while now that I went out and bought a few Nike clothes that say ‘Just do it!’

Stop overthinking your dreams and just get out there and do it!

I will cut this read off here to know that you should just go out and do it! Take action.

Be inspired by the person you can become if you go out and go after your dreams!



Benjamin H Clarke

An Australian living in Sweden. I write about self development and life. Give us a follow for tips to level up.